Frequently asked questions

Over the years, we've taken note of some of the most frequently asked questions some of our members ask us. Some we cannot print, but here are the most common or the more useful of the bunch:

  • Can the coach pick us up from somewhere we choose?

    If suitable, then yes! But please tell us well in advance, as we need to let the coach company know. There is a space on the booking form for you to request a pick-up point - please use it! Note however, that we require one pick-up point per organisation to keep journey time to a minimum and that under certain circumstances we may need to change the location.

  • Do you cater for vegetarians?

    Of course! All hotels and holiday centres we use can cater for all types of dietary conditions, but again, let us know the details in advance (there is provision for this on the application form).

  • Can we drink on the bus?

    Not alcohol. Legally, we cannot allow either drinking or smoking on the coaches. This rule cannot be “bent” as it can result in serious consequences to you, your team and us.

  • Do you provide aspirin?

    No. We trust you will come well stocked with everything you need to help you get through that hangover!

  • What time are the meals?

    Meal times vary from venue to venue. All this information will be on your itinerary sent to your team secretary prior to your departure. All dinners and lunches are served at set times, so please check all timings when you arrive or with your team secretary before.

  • Why do you request a day of departure contact number?

    We need a contact number from you on the day in case there are any problems or delays. We are in constant contact with the coach companies, so if any problems arise, for example there is bad traffic or the driver cannot locate your pick-up point, you can be contacted immediately.

  • Why so many questions on the application form?

    While we try to keep the application form questions to a minimum, all questions are required to ensure your weekend runs as smoothly and is as enjoyable as possible. Our ethic is to provide a weekend experience, which is as competitive as it is sociable. This is why we need to know your team standard, mix of team members, age and the like.

  • Why do you need to know the mix of players in each team?

    In the past we have experienced imbalances in some groups due to mixed teams becoming either all-men or all-ladies. By identifying the mix of players early on, we can create a better balance of competition during your weekend.

  • Why is my membership number important?

    With your membership number, we are able to trace your details quickly and more efficiently. Your membership number holds all your team details and without it there may be delays in finding you booking information. Please ensure that your membership number is to hand when you contact us and on the back of all cheques and correspondence you send us.

  • Will I receive a balance payment reminder?

    No. We cannot send reminders, but you will receive an invoice statement when you book which details your balance and date due. We recommend you make a note of this as soon as it is received as failure of payment could result in the cancellation of your booking.

  • Do we need insurance?

    It's really up to you, however, we strongly recommend that you do take holiday insurance. On confirmation of your booking we will forward you details of a policy from a recommended insurer. Please note, that, unfortunately, we no longer deal with the insurance ourselves.

  • Can we change the playing schedule on the weekend due to a sports event on television?

    While we try to be as flexible as possible, we cannot guarantee we would be able to change the playing schedules. If there is a playing time you wish to avoid, then we will try to accommodate your request as best we can but you will need to inform us before the playing schedule has been printed. The scheduling is booked well in advance and we would need the co-operation of other teams. We will, in the future, be checking televised events that may be of interest on Shoot Out Club weekends with the view to catering for these.

  • Is the Saturday night "Party Night" compulsory fancy dress?

    Not at all, but if you would like to participate in fancy dress, by all means go as mad as you like! To get some ideas, check out the gallery to see some of the past and present outfits!

  • Why is Rachel called the Rottweiler?

    Only Rachel can answer that.... But for teams that have experienced the wrath of Rachel, once bitten, guaranteed, you'll never do it again!!!!